The Department of English, Maharaja Bir Bikram University was established in the year 2016. The seat capacity of the Department is 50. The Syllabus is up-to-date and in accordance with the CBCS pattern to provide more flexibility to the students in selecting the courses. Since its inception, it has grown steadily with increasing numbers of students taking admission each year. The Syllabus incorporates Poetry, Drama, Literary Theory and Criticism, European Literature in Translation, American Literature, Women’s Writing, Popular Fiction, Indian Writing in English, Post-colonial Literature, Dalit Literature, Indian Aesthetics etc. The Department of English also offers a Compulsory Elective Course on Communication Skills in English for all the Post-Graduate Departments of the University. The Department of English, MBB University aims to provide instructions to students in reading texts critically through multiple theoretical perspective as well as to inculcate knowledge of literary and cultural studies. The Department of English aims to develop the student’s perception of the richness of English Literature, to enhance the critical mind and imaginations through the study of literary texts. The students are also nurtured and encouraged to pursue further research in English Literature. The introduction of Communication Skills which helps to enable the learners to gain basic knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary and also nourish their speaking and writing skills in English language. The Department of English offers Compulsory Elective Course in Basic Computer Skill so that students are able to use the computer for their day to day basic computer activities as well as to enhance the IT Literacy of students. The Department has successfully concluded International and National conferences, seminars etc. in these core and interdisciplinary areas of research to attract and encourage academicians, policy makers and scholars. The Department has introduced Ph.D Programme from the academic session 2021-2022.
Thrust Areas of Research: Feminism; Art, Literature and Culture; Children’s Literature
Programmes Offered: M.A. in English, Ph.D
Research Publication of the Department (as of April 2017 to till date):
Total No. of Research Papers published: 03
Number of Dissertation Completed: 03
Intake Capacity: M.A.: 50 (UR: 26, ST: 15, SC: 09)
Head / In-Charge of the Department |
Name | Designation | Contact No. / Email-Id | Photo |
Dr. Jhuma Majumder | Assistant Professor | +91-9436546466 |
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